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Natasha Hynes

MSc Student & Lab Technician

     Natasha joined the Davies Lab in the beginning of 2020 as the lab's first technician. In 2018, she completed her Bachelor of Science degree at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia, majoring in Marine Biology and minoring in French language. At UNB she conducts outreach work with the Canadian Whale Institute, assists with field work and handles the day-to-day operations of the lab.


     Natasha is originally from Newfoundland, Canada and has loved the ocean since she can remember learning what it was. Her childhood was filled with exploring the intertidal, reading about marine animals and dreaming of the day when she could breathe beneath the surface.


     Throughout her studies and career she was worked on a variety of projects including shark tagging, assessing marine mammal entanglement scars in the Bay of Fundy, and analyzing freshwater fish species composition in Belize. She is highly trained in laboratory operations, previously serving as a benthic taxonomist for a marine non-profit. She is a CAUS (Canadian Association of Underwater Science) Scientific Diver 1 and has used this training to assist with outreach work on the Bay of Fundy in New Brunswick.


     In her free time, Natasha runs a small business and likes to SCUBA dive, surf, learn new languages (including R!), adventure in nature and hang out with her cat, Jerry.


Instagram and Twitter: @newfoundmermaid



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